2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021
The whole family spent a few days of skiing at Squaw Creek Resort.
It was the first time ever that we went to Tahoe in January and did not have any snow. And yet many deny climate change.... The amount of snow they had to keep the resort open was all man-made and limited - it was, however, enough for Arek to get his first taste of skiing - Thanks to Stephan who put his whole heart into it!
Squaw Valley in January 2012
Little Lucine was too young to enjoy the skiing and kept moving from arm to arm and no one seemed to have enough of her.
Getting ready - Arek gets his ski boots to go skiing
Anticipation! First ride on the magic carpet.
Mima setting a good example with a helmet.
Second day already going up on the 'gongola'. Those little legs!!! First chair ride with Stephan
Family dinner - minus JP who doesn't like the cold weather.
Stephan working
.. and last but not least Asli with her two favorite boys !!
Second time in the past several years the drought is not an issue. Last year was the first. We had snow all the way up and plenty more at the Lodge.
The bundle of 5 years ago is now a snowbunny! Fearless and agile, she is a natural.
We had various lunches and dinners together and enjoyed every minute of our little vacation.
During this dinner Lucine was very tired and not in a great mood so no pictures ...
Another year of fine snow. We drove up in a snowstorm ... And continued with our annual family pilgrimage
... lots of skiing
...lots of good lunches and dinners
...and just lots of fun
We even managed to throw in an Armenian writing lesson.....
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