Heaven on Earth

One of the top items on our bucket list has been checked off.  We took a short vacation to visit Yellowstone.  From the moment we entered the park to the moment we left all I could say was:  "WOW!!"  and "THANK YOU TEDDY".

We drove, we walked, we hiked, I took thousands of photos and we tried to discover the majesty of the park in the short four days we had .

This trip included my first attempt to filmmaking:  Yellowstone 2017

Never, in my wildest dreams, I thought Bozeman MT, would be a destination.

Thank God, it was!  What beauty, what majesty!  Truly Big Sky Country!

Below are:  our first sight of a bison and the green beauty we rented


Our first day was spent, near where we stayed, in West Yellowstone.




The next day was the pilgrimage to witness Old Faithful erupt



We also walked around and visited several other geysers in the same vicinity


Here we are in the cold and rain and yet in heaven.

Lunch at 'Old Faithful Inn'


Scalloped Spring [above] and Grand Geyser [below]


Chromatic Pools

Page  2: Fauna and flora , Grand Canyon of Yellowstone et al

Page 3: Travertine Terraces & North Gate