Arek's first Christmas, first Hanukah and first New Year were the events we
celebrated together here in San Francisco but unfortunately they had to go back
before the Armenian Christmas.
Pria, Ben and Arek drove up for the Holidays. We first celebrated my
birthday and then we spent a fortnight together that ended way too soon.
The moment they arrived the cameras started clicking. Especially seeing
him wear a jacket his mom had worn years ago [below] was more than enough to
make our tear ducts go haywire.

We celebrated Hanukah and Arek took part in lighting the candles

We then celebrated Christmas which started with a trip to AnneMarie's for a
Christmas Eve dinner

Christmas morning we were all together again. Ben made the best breakfast
ever for the whole family and I played the sous chef.
Arek fell asleep in my arms and I wouldn't give him away so we hid in the living
room until discovered - thus I became part of the photo gallery.

We then opened the gifts and I am sure we were a lot more excited then Arek...

Arek got all kinds of goodies including toys...
| coins...
and Paddington bears
Arek then wore his Armani outfit - compliments of auntie Ayse in Istanbul - for
the Christmas dinner that became a lot more pleasant with our dear friends Galya
and Osman visiting.

New Year's was another event where Arek slept quietly while others ate, drank
and celebrated.
Other than that we enjoyed their visit and took pictures of Arek again and again
and again.